Top 10 Most Ruthless Leaders of the 20th Century

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Most Ruthless Leaders

The world has lived to see many terror acts but there are few leaders credited as world most ruthless leaders who killed millions.

Some of these ruthless leaders were arrested, killed and some survived, never to answer to their crimes to this day.


1. Adolf Hitler

This sickly psychopath and megalomaniac transformed the world in which we live, taking with him more than 21 million victims, in Europe and the whole world. Ruler of Germany from 1939 to 1945, his despicable actions included the genocide of millions of Jews.

2. Idi Amin Dada

The death toll of his regime amounted to half a million out of 10 million. He was feared for feeding victims alive to crocodiles. he kept d decapitated heads of political enemies in his freezer, although he said human flesh was generally “too salty” for his taste.


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3. Mao Zedong (1893-1976)

The “Great Leap Forward” (1958-1962) one of the most insane experiments in social engineering ever. A few years later, the dictator launched the “Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution” in 1966. Millions of people were persecuted.

4. Joseph Stalin

This forced collectivization of agric, which to led to widespread famine, which costs the lives of countless millions. Then came the “Great Terror” involving purge after purge of the party apparatus and society. Almost all senior Red Army officers were purged.

5. Pol Pot

Under him, Money was abolished and all citizens were made to wear the same drab black clothing, which made Mao costumes look fashionable.

Intellectuals were summarily murdered—this included people who wore glasses.

6. Leopold II

Millions of Congolese inhabitants, including children, were mutilated, killed, or died from disease during his rule.

Failure to meet rubber collection quotas was punishable by death. Forced labor was instituted to increase production.

7. Kim Il-Sung

Kim invaded South Korea in 1950, and in this war some 3 million people perished, including 12-15% of North Korea’s population.

Subsequent Stalinist economic policies and widespread repression led to poverty and famine in which millions, died.

8. Mengistu Haile Mariam

Mengistu himself is alleged to have murdered opponents by garroting or shooting them. Human Rights Watch describes his regime as “one of the most systematic uses of mass murder by a state ever witnessed in Africa.”

Over 2 million people were killed.

9. Saddam Hussein

Saddam was notable for using terror against his own people, including mustard and nerve gas to subdue the Kurds. He attacked Iran in 1980.

The war ended in a stalemate and one million dead. he invaded Kuwait in 1990, and another 85,000 dead.

10. Josef Mengele

He selected victims to be killed in the gas chambers.

The experiments he performed on twins included amputation of limbs, intentionally infecting one twin with typhus or, and transfusing the blood of that twin into the other.

Unfortunately, he was never captured.

Credits of the article go to Uncle Chu @datchuguy


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